People desire to be happy and successful. In order to achieve this, he runs from one direction to another. As life goes by and the days pass quickly, one more thing in life passes by. However, in this fast life, people often do not realise what is passing by without them. We realise its true value when we lose it.  Mostly we realise it when we have a pain or when we are diagnosed. Until that point, we do not realise and do not care. We hear from the elderly around us or from those who have a disease and are travelling from hospital to hospital. ‘My child, appreciate your health. You will regret it later, but it will be too late.’


So why don't people realise this? Because their priorities change and their first choices become career, relationship, wealth. Having a good career, having a relationship that is accepted in society or having wealth gives the idea that he is successful. However, he/she may damage his/her health while trying to achieve his/her desires. However, we cannot be truly successful in life by neglecting our health.


Most of the time, we work from morning till night to complete a project. Sometimes we stay awake for nights and study for exams till the morning. When these are our priorities, we start to have eating and drinking habits accordingly. Our sleep habits change and we make our daily movements and programmes accordingly. We continue to drink the coffee we drink at night to stay awake during the day to stay awake. We set tables that will not take time for our workplace that we need to catch up quickly. Most of the time, we make do with takeaway or frozen fast meals. If we don't even have that much time, we can prefer pre-packaged products such as chocolate and fizzy drinks from the supermarket. Our fast and careless choices lead us to a life of refinery, abundant chemicals and harm to our health.


Time goes by in such a way that when we achieve success or what we often think of as success, we find our body failing the challenge of the test. We are trying to run to success with a poor quality lifestyle.


Our neck is herniated from constantly looking at the computer, Our weights gained from sitting still, Our heart thumping due to the tea-coffee we drink all day long, not sleeping efficiently at night and waking up tired in the morning, feeling much older than our age...


As a result, our bodies are now struggling to cope with our lifestyle. Even a flower withers when it doesn't get the sun or the water it needs, how long can human beings endure this situation? 


Experiential Design Teaching says; The excess of everything is harmful.


There is ‘hard work’ in every success story, but this is for a while. It is not a lifelong and lifelong work tempo. If our desire to succeed has disturbed the balance in our lives, if we have become unable to spare time for our health and family, it means that while we are winning somewhere, we are losing in other places.


So what is the solution?

As soon as we realise our extremism, we try to come back to balance...



If we have a desk job, we can get up and stretch every hour. If our workplace is in close distance, we can get up a little earlier and walk instead of going by car. We may not be able to change the eating and drinking routine at work, but we can take our food with us. We can choose places with home-cooked food nearby or we can eat healthy foods at home in the evening. If we have work to complete, we can work by going to bed early and getting up early instead of working late and going to bed late. We sleep in the most important time we need to sleep. We can spend the hours our body needs in sleep and get up early in the morning to catch up on our work.  In other words, we can bring regular sleep, movement and healthy nutrition into our lives. Then we may notice that our reactivity decreases and our tolerance increases. We can achieve success without losing our values, without disturbing our quality of life and balance. Thus, we can enjoy the successes we have achieved without losing our health.

Whatever we want to achieve, that path passes through human health.

Sports, sleep, proper nutrition accompany people on that path for a healthy life...


Experiential Design Teaching is a science of reality that shapes the future with past experiences. It teaches the methods that individuals need to solve their problems and reach their goals. 

It offers strategies to people who want to be happy and successful with the programs "Who is Who", "Mastery in Relationship" and "Success Psychology". 


“What can "one" person matter among billions of people?

Ask that “one” person for the answer!”


Yahya Hamurcu


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''The excess of everything is harmful.''