

Border Gate


Border Gate

A handful of people are shaking now
It's not the cold, it's the tremble from fear
A handful of people are helpless now
Is living in tents even living?
A handful of people are dying now
No one to embrace them other than the heart of the earth
A handful of people are crying now
Is it possible to cry one’s heart out?
The world is comfortable, happy, peaceful now
Can those who lack sense feel?
Is the world sleeping soundly now?
Is it permissible to sleep soundly?
Is the world free from its shackles now?
What could untie this all when the hearts are tied?

While writing these lines I was looking at the trees in the garden, the sky from the window of my house. It was evening, everywhere was dark... There was only a dim light from the moon... "How beautiful are those swaying trees!" i thought but the words were stuck in my throat. Those little sparkles in life would no longer make me happy I thought with a faint smile. As long as I think of the neglected trees with dried leaves in the middle of the war... The ones beyond the border, left alone with only their Lord... The smoke, fire and bombs in the sky... If i was told a tale about a war which the whole world turns a blind eye and never makes a sound I would have said i can’t believe it. Perhaps what I couldn’t believe was my own conscience to remain so silent, but I failed on that. No, it wasn't a handful of people that were left alone. It wasn't the young hands that were helpless. It was not the border blocking the gates. It was my heart that was closed, withered, petrified, rotted and died. It was not the people there that were left alone. I was alone in the crowd, thinking I was happy. Alone, in the middle, defenseless, powerless, helpless and insensitive... "What a shame!" should have been uttered not to them but to my conscience. That voice was buried deep in a well and now it was weaker. When I saw the news on TV, all I could do was to say "Oh, what a shame!", but five minutes later i was laughing at something else. The world beyond the border was like a dystopia for me compared to my own spoiled utopia...

“They are deaf, dumb and blind. That's why they can’t return anymore..."
What did it mean?
How would calloused bodies understand these words?
Was playing three monkeys what life was all about?
Let sleeping dogs lie… Till when?
By whom would basic rights be given and taken away, without any discrimination?
How long will the one that ages in the shadow of his arrogance resist the time passing by?
What was the big deal?
Weren’t all things going to eventually face their truth?
How could one blame the Creator in a slightest presumed injustice? What does he have to say for his own unjust behavior?
How could a person enter the path of no return? How could his heart darken?
There is a world where everything is normal. Isn’t it abnormal to remain normal in that world?
There were two paths in life. One irreversible, the other is a steep slope.
For some reason, those who didn't climb steep slopes always thought they were at the top. Was it that easy to get to the top?
There is a way there. Just inside the border line. Between your conscience and your ego.
On one path; tranquility, peace and submission, on the other, ambition, passion, arrogance and grudge.
So which path are you on? Is your conscience relieved when the borders are closed?
Does it all really disappear when you don't turn your head in that direction?
I don't believe this! I am a strange oasis in the desert! I am searching as if I know my direction... I run there like Hagar... I know a sound will come. It is not a sandstorm. It is a raindrop falling in the desert... I see it.

Experiential Design Teaching is a science of reality that shapes the future with past experiences. It teaches the methods that individuals need to solve their problems and reach their goals.


It offers strategies to people who want to be happy and successful with the programs "Who is Who", "Mastery in Relationship" and "Success Psychology". 



“What can "one" person matter among billions of people?

Ask that “one” person for the answer!”


Yahya Hamurcu


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  1. Sibel16/2/24

    Orada bir yol var. Sınır çizgisinin hemen içinde. Vicdanınızla egonuz arasında.
    Bir yol üzerinde; bir yanda huzur, huzur ve teslimiyet, diğer yanda hırs, ihtiras, kibir ve kin.
    Peki sen hangi yoldasın? İnsAllah doğru yolda olanlardan oluruz🤲 Kaleminize sağlık 🪷

  2. A heart touching and thought provoking article...
