




Is anxiety a bad thing?
 People spend their entire life worrying about various things.
A baby in the womb, worries about where and how it will be born.
After birth, it worries about finding sustenance.
It worries about being loved.
Then it grows up, goes out into the world and worries about belonging somewhere.
Changes schools and worries about the exams in order to get to a good position in life.
The anxiety is always with them in the whole process.
Is being anxious a bad thing or not?
Without anxiousness there could be no movement.
People do not pursue something if they don't feel anxious about losing it. 

We feel sad and happy about the things we worry about. 

So why is it considered as a disorder? 

There is no problem in feeling anxious. The problem occurs when one can not manage their anxiety. 

So why are people unable to manage their anxiety? 

Let's take a look at where we place our anxiety. 

One person worries about being alone and not  finding a suitable partner in life. 

A mother worries about her children. So she designs her whole life for them. 

A salesman worries about making money.  His traveling can prevent him from sparing time to spend for his family. Even if he does, his mind is always on his job. 

A student worries about the exams. Thinking she can only be happy if she can pass them. 

But what if life itself was a question? 

And what if while we are spending our time feeling anxious about these things, we are missing out on others? 

Could it be that people are getting anxious about things they shouldn't be anxious about? 

Could this be the reason why we are wasting our time?



Experiential Design Teaching is a science of reality that shapes the future with past experiences. It teaches the methods that individuals need to solve their problems and reach their goals.


It offers strategies to people who want to be happy and successful with the programs "Who is Who", "Mastery in Relationship" and "Success Psychology". 



“What can "one" person matter among billions of people?

Ask that “one” person for the answer!”


Yahya Hamurcu


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