

Every Moment is a Scene


Every moment is a scene, which part am I playing?

It was a cold winter day. Yasemin was late for school. She decided to skip school, thinking that she would be marked absent  anyway. She looked out the window. Everything was white and it was still snowing. She planned to stay home and watch the snow. It was the best thing to do in this weather. She went to the kitchen to make coffee, where her mother and Aunt Ayşe were chatting. Fatma touched Yasemin's shoulder and said, "Complaining distracts us from the solution. It starts like an itch and covers our whole life."

Her mother was complaining about Yasemin, the mess in the house, her son's indifference to life, her mother-in-law. During these complaints, she did not forget to point out Yasemin's school.

Aunt Ayşe had similar problems. The more they talked, the more they seemed to feel relieved at first, but then they became even more troubled. Why had Yasemin witnessed such a scene? It was as if the world was tormenting them. Although nowadays, if you ask anyone, everyone was in some distress. She drank her coffee thinking about this. Then she got ready to meet her friend Fatma. 

She met Fatma around noon. She was a good listener. She didn't judge her, she didn't just listen to her to have a conversation. When she had a problem, Fatma would help her find a solution. So she told her about her mother; "She is always complaining. I've become like her. I always focus on the troublesome and difficult aspects of things, which has made me more and more lonely. I don't feel like seeing anyone."

Every moment is a scene and we are like actors on a stage.

The point is to do justice to that scene.

Who has ever performed well while complaining? she continued.

Yasemin thought about her own scenes and roles.

How was my scene as a student this morning? What kind of presentation did she make by waking up late in the morning?

And how did she act in that scene by skipping school and giving up on herself because she was late?

How are we on the stage as a son, as a friend?

How much do we do justice to our roles?

What makes us happy, what makes us sad?

Where are we excluded in life? Which people upset us more?

How do we react when we feel sad?

What is the right way to act while facing negativity?

How do people stand straight and put on a brave face in times of difficulty?

Are we playing three monkeys when someone’s in distress?

Every moment is a scene and every moment we are on a stage. How are we performing on stage in the stories we witness, in the parts where we are not the leading role?

When someone else is experiencing a difficulty; are we in the role of ignoring it or are we doing something?

In other words, how much are we aware and conscious about the wars that are going on around us?

How much of their problems are our problems?

How much of their struggle in this famine is our struggle too?

See how patient and happy they are despite the famine.

How much of their joy of life and strength to fight do we possess?

With what do we exist and with what do we die away?

Where are our thoughts, our comprehension, our consciousness?

What are we sad or happy about?

When do we feel tired, rested or relaxed?

There are points in life where we face difficulty. But there are also areas in life that come as easy as pie.

What are we struggling for, where are we skilled?

Do we strive to be better in our roles?

There are many people, many events and many questions in life.

Every moment is a scene, where am I in this one?


Experiential Design Teaching is a science of reality that shapes the future with past experiences. It teaches the methods that individuals need to solve their problems and reach their goals. 

It offers strategies to people who want to be happy and successful with the programs "Who is Who", "Mastery in Relationship" and "Success Psychology". 


“What can "one" person matter among billions of people?

Ask that “one” person for the answer!”


Yahya Hamurcu

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