When you're gone, I feel like there's an emptiness.

Yes, I'm surrounded by things.

Yes, I'm not lying around, I'm doing something.

But I have no taste, no sense...

I take a step, it's as if there's no ground.

Just like that, empty...

I mean meaningless...

 I mean, that's how I feel.

The sounds I hear when you're around change.

What I hear, what I see, what I touch....

If YOU are with me, it makes sense...

If YOU are with me, the color of the sea is very bright and the mountains are magnificent and strong. How the birds play on the water...

Oh, then; how do they play? How do birds know how to be happy?

It's hard not to envy their closeness to you...

It's nice to get close to YOU, even if it's not so close like them.

I know; it's up to me.

The right choices, the right behavior...

I know... I have to like it...

I try to do things that YOU would like.

But sometimes I don't know what happens...

I look around and you're gone...

Those are the times when I don't like life.

What's the point of life if YOU don't exist?

Why am I doing what I'm doing if YOU don't love me?

The real pain is this: YOU are there... I know...

But you are not with me... This is very bad...

YOU stayed with me mostly in my difficult days. 

YOU were with me in all the times when it hurt the most, while all others are friends only in conversations...

YOU are with me in the most boring, the most unpleasant, the most painful, the most abandoned, the most wronged, the most slandered times...

That's why I'm so scared when you're gone...

Don't leave me! I promise; I'll do whatever you want...

I mean... Okay; you're right; that's not realistic. I promise I'll try harder than I can.

I promise I'll keep away myself from those who don't like YOU.

I won't like those who don't like YOU.

I heard that those who don't love YOU love me; I was demoralized.

No, I said, that's a lie... They can't love... They shouldn't love...

What am I doing in the heart of the one who doesn't have YOU in his heart!

Then I learned that they don't love anyone but themselves...

I was relieved a little bit.

I say a little bit because I am human; I can't be sure of myself.

I know I will have faults.

I suddenly realized that YOU are everywhere.

You don't leave me or anyone else.

I am the one who will be coming and going, in fact.

When YOU surround all times and places...

So where am I going? Where can I go? In what time? If all time is yours...

I realized that man loses YOUR compassion, your love, your protection, your unity, your support, your soft touch in the heart, your beautiful reflection on the tongue, your depth in the gaze...

He loses the ability to see and hear the most beautiful...

He loses the ability to comprehend the beautiful when he hears...

He loses the meaning of what he touches.

It is such an illusion, he thinks that if he does what he did more, this pain will end.

It doesn't end...

If a person has lost YOU, what can he have gained?

What flavor did he taste? What beauty did he see?...

What voice did he hear? Everywhere I turn, there is YOU...

Everywhere I touch, there is YOU...

Breath by breath, you are a flower.

You are cedar...

The smell of moss surrounds me; that is, YOU...

I rise, YOU... I descend, YOU...

My right, my left, my front, my back... YOU... YOU... YOU... YOU...

Now how can I not be angry with myself!

When everywhere is filled with YOU...

What a mistake is this; when everywhere is filled with YOU...

I took the good news you gave to your favorite and my heart took a breath:

"I have not left you and I have not resented you..."


Experiential Design Teaching is a science of reality that shapes the future with past experiences. It teaches the methods that individuals need to solve their problems and reach their goals. 

It offers strategies to people who want to be happy and successful with the programs "Who is Who", "Mastery in Relationship" and "Success Psychology". 


“What can "one" person matter among billions of people?

Ask that “one” person for the answer!”


Yahya Hamurcu


Figen Ekame dedi ki…
We are happy when You are with us, we are desperate when you abondon us.